Retro technical notes: Power is everything (Part 3)


But in the end the output transformer is what makes or breaks a tube amplifier. And the one we use is as good as any of the Golden Age and of the modern times. If used in straight line in configuration (tone control in bypass) the only further element in the signal circuit is a motorised 16mm Alps Black Volume control. That is it!

typical tube amplifier noise (re. 2.83V)

Retro noise levels

Yet there is an old saying – any amplifier is only as good as its power supply. Here is where we break with tradition big time. We use what is called a resonant power converter, it is somewhat similar to the much (and often justly) maligned switched mode power supply (SMPS) in operation, but it avoids the hard, high current switching of classic SMPS, thus avoiding many of the SMPS’s sonic problems.

More reading here:

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