iPhono: Quiet, clean and simple to use!



Pros: quiet background sound, sound processor into place. Simple, easy to use

“Feel the music scene of the initial solution is static, almost no ripple property. When sung music, theater in chapter one Vorspiel (Allegro Moderato) becomes extremely lively music is very attractive. It is nothing more than the music critics rated the Bruch Violin Concerto No1 violin concertos par 3 of 3 famous composers another Beethoven, Mendelssohn and Brahms. That’s critics summarized: “Germany has four violin concertos of Beethoven’s D-major, e-minor Mendelssohn, Brahms and Bruch g D-major-minor….During the 4-LP collection of Bruch, Salvatore Accardo’s guitar sound emerged gifted, beautiful and richly nuanced as well as volume, very subtle, but not too deep or torment. Normally, the solo violin bass does not provide the desired bass enthusiast listeners. However, because this is a collection of works for violin and orchestra to orchestra bass are fully met. It is relatively tight bass and deep down. iPhono handle very clean and thorough bands….Same experience with metal wheels vinyl MC, TestLab LP Tchaikovsky Concerto No1 heard in B-flat Minor For Piano and Orchestra, Op.23 by Emil Gilels plays the piano and orchestra by Zubin Mehta New York Philharmonic commander. At the time of this game, the background sound is extremely quiet, and orchestral guitar sound as expected from the stage to the audience, such as sitting in front of that orchestra.”

“Solutions listen to iPhono shows concerto for guitar entirely comparable with the concertos for other instruments, including the Concerto for Cello and Orchestra by Tsuyoshi Tsutsumi Dvorak’s cello playing with the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra by Zdenek Kosler Command (CBS Sony disc) that TestLab listen then.”

Thanks Quynh Trang, Pcworld and TestLab!

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