Teta Mona at Munich!



Teta Mona is a Italian female vocalist, artist and musician who has a keen interest in audio and good ear for music! She together with Pro Audio Italia (iFi:Italy) had dropped by the iFi booth to check out the very latest prototypes of the iDAC2 and the iPower. We can say on behalf of Teta all was good as she struck a pose for us! Oh, not forgetting that she had twisted our arms and taken back the iPower to improve her equipments performance such as the guitar pedal.

That’s right, the iPower is not only for iFi but can be used for all products alike that require a DC adapter. So if your like Teta and produce / play an instrument that requires a DC adapter then the iPower could be for you!

Teta and friends have produced some great tracks which you can sure listen to over at: https://soundcloud.com/teta-mona

Keep up the good work Teta!


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