Does the micro iUSB3.0 handle anti-jitter better than a DAC?

The micro iUSB 3.0 reclocks the USB data stream. It is not straightforward to measure jitter at 480mHz (which has a cycle time of around 2nS). However, any USB cable attached to the miro iUSB 3.0 output will likely add higher levels of jitter than is contained in the micro iUSB 3.0 output, which is locked to a local crystal clock which should have, however, the jitter from the micro iUSB 3.0 does not translate directly into jitter on the DAC side, this is down to the USB system in the DAC. Again, it is safe to say that the micro iUSB 3.0 will have a much lower contribution to jitter from the USB system than how the USB system in the DAC (or USB to SPDIF converter) is designed.

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