iPOWER makes splash in Pro Audio sector’s ZioMusic

Luca, editor of ZioMusic.IT penned a very comprehensive review and pushed the iPOWER’s abilities in every conceivable situation and it passed with flying colours!

“The real difference, however, have arisen in a couple of rooms with a plant that define ‘non-compliant’ would only be a compliment. Trying to use individual power supplies of different pedals saliva from the amplifier a real concert Ronze, instead with iPower has narrowed considerably up to widely acceptable levels and probably also due to interference occurring after its power supply.”

“It’s an excellent product, my compliments. I tried in vain to make it hum or hiss but it remained always really silent. Boy of few words, but so useful.”

Thanks Grazie Luca!


Bigger in Japan than Alphaville!
Phileweb, Japan, interview iFi’s chief designers about the Pro iCan!
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